Thursday, April 24, 2008

Scouting as a way of life

In this whole post, the main point, the summary, the conclusion.. Is for my 'brothers' to read and agree enthusiastically and for newbies (juniors) or other people to just gawk at the picture i will paint of my life as a scout. First things first. As you might have guessed, im a scout. Habis cerita. The absurdity of this phrase lies in the simplicity. Behold: i am a scout. Now, what strikes your mind..? Im sure a 14 year old boy on the plump side bedecked in a full uniform walking around doing whatever it is that those idiots called scouts do, right? Well, WRONG!! This here post is to tell you 1 thing, and ONE THING ONLY. That is, SCOUTS ROCK!! To juniors: no matter what anyone says, scouts are not lame, they can be hot and unbearable especially if ur wearing a full u on uni day, and we scouts can also be bokasi, but WE ROCK. 'nuff said.
for the history of scouts, i give you a link to wikipedia:

Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, so that they may play constructive roles in society.
Scouting began in 1907 when Robert Baden-Powell, Lieutenant General in the British Army, held the first Scouting encampment at Brownsea Island in England. Baden-Powell wrote the principles of Scouting in Scouting for Boys (London, 1908), based on his earlier military books, with influence and support of Frederick Russell Burnham (Chief of Scouts in British Africa), Seton of the Woodcraft Indians, Smith of the Boys' Brigade, and his publisher Pearson. During the first half of the 20th century, the movement grew to encompass three major age groups each for boys (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Rover Scout) and, in 1910, a new organization, Girl Guides, was created for girls (Brownie Guide, Girl Guide and Girl Scout, Ranger Guide).
The movement employs the Scout method, a program of informal education with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports. Another widely recognized movement characteristic is the Scout uniform, by intent hiding all differences of social standing in a country and making for equality, with neckerchief (scarf larz) and campaign hat or comparable head wear. Distinctive uniform insignia include the fleur-de-lis and the trefoil, as well as merit badges and other patches.
In 2007, Scouting and Guiding together had over 38 million members in 216 countries. The two largest umbrella organizations are the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), for boys-only and co-educational organizations, and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), primarily for girls-only organizations but also accepting co-educational organizations.
2007 marked the centenary of Scouting (there was a Campfire held at HQ, it rained most of the night.. we were soaked thru but had a friggin great tym..!! hehex..) world wide, with member organizations planning events all over the world in order to celebrate the event.

Now that we know the vague history of scouting started by Lord Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell of Gilwell, i will continue with a few things of what we do in meetings, annual training camp 2007 (ANTAC 2007), and Usaha Camp this January past. For further references on other camps and activities i didnt have a chance to attend including June Camp 2007, this year's Serian District Camp, and the first Usaha Camp taken by Troop 2 of the 5th Kuching Scout Group. Besides that, there will be a much interesting post further on which in i will do comparison between the 3 major uniform bodies in Kuching high School, namely Persaatuan Bulan Sabit Merah (PBSM, red crescent), St John Ambulance, and of course the 5th Kuching Scout Group. I promise you, IT WILL BE BLOODY.. to be continued..

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